Graphic Designer Joines Click

RJ Sakai

RJ Sakai

Click is delighted to welcome our newest member: RJ Sakai

In his own words:

"I grew up in Los Angeles wondering what tourists thought when their glitzy vision of Hollywood didn’t quite match up with reality. I continued to ask questions like this regarding cultural authenticity as I formed my own concentration in design and cultural anthropology at Hampshire College. At school I used ethnographic research methods to inform design projects centered around how cultures are visually imagined and how tourist experiences are constructed and consumed. I strongly believe cross-cultural exchanges, whether local or global, increase one’s capacity to empathize, support, collaborate, and learn. 

After graduating in 2012, I remained on campus as the Creativity Center Alumni Fellow, designing ways to inspire creativity, innovation and risk taking amongst the College’s students and faculty. For the past seven years I have maintained a steady flow of clients as a freelance photographer and print graphic designer. 

Since 2000 I have had a goal to visit all the U.S. state capitals (33 down). I attribute my love for cooking to growing up watching the Food Network. Sometimes I do card tricks. I'm an only child. Orange and blue are my favorite colors.

I'm currently pursuing professional and educational opportunities that will further my interest in ways ethnographic research can inform an interdisciplinary design practice geared toward doing social good"