3 Biggest Mistakes When Choosing a Cofounder

Finding the right cofounder(s) is critical to the success of a venture.  OnStartups  has a great post one best practices in recruiting cofounders.

Some Highlights:

"balanced teams with one technical founder and one business founder raise 30% more money, have 2.9x more user growth and are 19% less likely to scale prematurely than technical or business-heavy founding teams."

Advisors and friends are great, but they aren’t nearly as emotionally invested as you are."

 "Fall in love with the person, not the idea."

 "When should you start thinking about a potential cofounder? The quick answer is ‘always.’"

"Finding the right cofounder is game changing – make sure you approach it like you would a partner and make it an early priority."

 Read the whole thing here.